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Sunday, April 4, 2010

The man who told everything

There are moments in our life when we wonder if what we did, or said was right. Those little situations when you take a step back and wonder, what if.
Sometimes lies seems to be the only way to go, until you loose something close. Till you feel the burning pain of not really telling what was sitting in your heart forever.
And on those rare moments the truth hurts more then anything, it will bring tears and will make you want to run, run far away from everything.

So what do we choose?

How do we go about our life and live...right?
Where is the line of right and wrong? and who is there to say that what we did wrong now, may at the end be the right thing to do?

If you had one moment to pause, one decision to put on hold, one person to ask to come back, would you? Would you change the way you make your decisions? Would you change how people see you? Would it make a difference? if so, why?

Life is to short.
We all will die at the end.
So tell everything, in right moment, or when asked, or when expected.
There is no more to it.
It's pretty simple.
Before you loose something dear to you.