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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to Make Small Green Choices at Home

The effort to "go green" is more important now than it has ever been. The world has a fixed amount of natural resources and the population is expanding at an outrageous rate. Some natural resources are already depleted. So, as population growth continues to use up our limited resources, there are fewer resources available. If we want to leave our future generations with the same standard of living we have enjoyed, we all need to make an effort to contribute. Though they may not seem significant, there are little things each of us can do each day in our own home to help make a big difference. Here are some ways to get started.


Step 1
Change your light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs use 66 percent less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. Replacing your old light bulbs with compact fluorescent ones can save $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.

Step 2
Buy "tree free" 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper. You can buy it for everything from greeting cards to toilet paper. Most tree-free paper is bleached without the use of toxic chlorine-derived bleach, so it reduces chlorine pollution in addition to saving trees.

Step 3
When you decide to put in new flooring, opt for bamboo floors. Bamboo is attractive as a building material because it is very hard, strong and dimensionally stable. Using bamboo flooring allows you to freshen up the look of your home and help the environment at the same time.

Step 4
Buy hemp rugs. They are both stylish in design and affordable. Hemp rugs are all-natural area rugs that are good for the soil. Hemp fiber is stronger than cotton and has a naturally course texture that will somewhat soften with time. The rugs actually become stronger as they wear. Hemp is also naturally resistant to rot and mildew.

Step 5
Use healthier paint. A variety of healthier paint options are now available. You can add character to the rooms of your home by painting your walls with natural paints, zero volatile organic compounds (VOC) paints and low VOC paints, all of which are considerably healthier choices.

Step 6
Make use of organic cleaning products. Natural cleaning products offer environmentally safe, cost-efficient alternatives to the toxic and potentially lethal household cleaning products used in many homes today.

Step 7
"Go green" in your garden. Incorporate used or recycled furniture in your designs. In addition, avoid all chemicals and use natural remedies. It is also a good idea to include native plants in your design. They are generally disease free, use little water and help attract beneficial wildlife. These ideas not only help the environment, but also help make your garden look beautiful.

For more info on how to improve your life, check out book by Method "Squeaky Green":