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Saturday, February 19, 2011

So it was right there, that specific moment; you biting on your lower lip, and your eyes dropped to the floor for a split second; and I knew it already that I can't have you, and it was all just a bad dream.
You said I was crazy, and smelled too sweet for you. I cried. What else I could do when you decided to slap me and leave me in the rain, hanging, all by myself.
I wish I could wake up, but I am still standing here soaked in the rain, waiting for your return.

Friday, February 18, 2011

If I loved you I would have told you so, but I don't, so get over it; stop crawling under my skin, pulling on my hair and sheltering my eyes away from the world. You know that I won't fall for that; You are not worth it; You think you won this game, but I only keep you around because I love the way you say my name darling.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


She was standing in the rain, with her purple hair stuck around her plummy cheeks. She didn't twitch when rain was dripping down her nose to her lips. Most people would; raindrops do tickle after all. Red bus would stop right by her feet, yet she did not move, her blue eyes staring towards the sky. In her hand, heavy black suitcase, it already formed bleeding marks inside of her hand. Yet she didn't put it down. Her grip was firm, as if she was scared that any passer by may steal it. Her shoes were not new, yet kept in good condition. White, with little stripe on the tip, decorating them in fancy way. With every hour, rain only grew in it's power, and even though her sweater was soaked, she didn't shiver.
Buses would come and go, stop, sometimes not even. People with children, without, old, young, same age as her. Passing by, pouring in and out in rush. Some yelled, others simply had change ready mumbling a quick "hello" to the bus driver.
At some point a young woman in red coat was rushing to the bus, almost felt, you could tell she was crying. You could tell she did her makeup in rush, her hair were not even done.
She jumped in and started to look for spare change.
Bus driver, and old man in hand-made vest looked towards her "you look like her". The girl smiled, clearly not sure of what he was talking about.
He just shook his head, counting the change "Like her, the girl who jumped under the bus last year. She had a suit case, was going somewhere. You have her face." he spoke slowly then tossed change into the box.
The bus roared and puffed large cloud of steam before driving away, as always, into same direction.


"If you had one wish, what would that wish be?" the voice was filling my ears slowly, I looked up, I couldn't see him. His body was barely visible now. I had no idea how long he was standing there but I didn't dare to ask, I was scared. I could feel my skin crawl, my nails were cutting the fabric of the bed sheets. There was a flick of a thought in my head, and even though I couldn't speak, I forced myself to. I could think, for just a moment. The thought was weak, almost to weak to even exist, yet it did glow in my brain, flickering, begging for me to let it out.
My dry lips were bleeding, and when I finally spoke it sounded like somebody was scratching board with nails "For you to brake my heart.".